Subscription Terms

We hope you love the Play Boxes as much as we do and we aim to give you the best experience possible. Our Play Boxes are designed to offer your Baby exactly the educational Toys that are suited for that specific age. On this page we just want to summarize some of the details regarding the subscription:

  • You can cancel anytime 
  • You pay every 2 months around the first day of the month when your box is shipped
  • The month you sign up we will send your second box on the first day two months after (e.g. if you sign up on 10 October your second box will come around 1 December)
  • You will receive a new Play Box every 2 months
    • If you first Box is the 0-4 months box, the second one -- Play Box for 5-6 months might be shipped later if your baby is not 5 months yet (we use the Date of Birth that you indicate) -- You will only pay once your next box is shipped.
  • You can update your address in the customer portal
  • Cancellations must be made before the 1st of the month in which delivery is scheduled. Once the order has been charged, the order for that month can no longer be canceled and the cancellation of the subscription will be effective from the following month.
  • Your subscription cancels automatically after receiving the our last Play Box for +24 months 

In case you have any mails, please send us a mail to